NTS Result

NTS Result

NTS Result could be checked directly through the form above by name, roll number or ID Card. Just enter your information above and your latest NTS Result would be displayed!

NTS Result

National Testing Service- Pakistan is an institute that is responsible to withhold a series of examination all around Pakistan to consolidate and analyze the capability of students in order for them to enter in the credible Universities and Colleges of their choices. NTS is an organization in Pakistan that administers academic performance evaluation tests. It is similar to Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States. NTS offers two main types of tests, the National Aptitude Test (NAT) and the Graduate Assessment Test (GAT). NAT is aimed at students seeking admission to colleges and universities. GAT is aimed at graduates seeking admission to postgraduate education. NTS exams are also used to determine qualifications of students seeking advanced study abroad.

As mentioned above the two types of test NAT and GAT differs from each other in such a way that students choose the type of exams based on the further field they have to choose. It is also popular that students ace their NATs to get scholarship in the well know universities overseas and the GAT test offers a wide range of postgraduates programs i.e. Masters degrees. NTS is a Member of the International Association for Educational Assessment. It is also recognized by the Higher Education Commission. The NTS was developed to ensure quality educational standards in Pakistan and to “provide a national scale for comparative grading between institutes”, consolidating examination boards under one administrating body.

NTS Result 2020NTS Result 2020

NTS has been hosting the examination for the NATs and GATs since 2006 and it has been an achievement for the NTS institute to successfully keep up to the notch regarding the results. Enter your information in the form above and your NTS Result 2020 would be displayed right away!

NTS, being Pakistan’s first, and self-sustained testing organization conducts tests and assessments for admissions, scholarships, and recruitment and promotion purposes. It is governed by a Board of Directors of NTS.

Having completed seventeen (17) successful years, NTS is now playing a pivotal role in promoting merit and quality education at college and university level. Following its core values, NTS always strives for excellence and ensures quality, efficiency, reliability, accuracy and most significantly credibility of entire system in a transparent manner under strict security arrangements. NTS tests and assessments are now pre-requisite of many prime public and private sector engineering, medical, colleges, universities and institutions for admission and NTS also conducts assessment tests for recruitment in public & private organizations.

The results for the examination are announced in approximately three weeks. After the examination date it takes about three weeks for the NTS to release and announce the results. The result date is to be announced prior to the last week of announcement means that the result date is announced before in the prior week of the actual announcement. In the year of 2019 the results for NTS of all the categories were outstanding and brilliant. Every year the result has shown progress in each and every aspect.

All these result were held in this year and the result for 2020 will also hopefully be held near these date in the coming year. These were the latest result to be shown. There are approximately about 500 examinations held every year that is supervised, navigated and checked by NTS. Following year will also have near to this amount for examinations. Year 2020 will surely show new colors and skills by the upcoming students in the NTS exams.

NAT tests are mandatory to get admission in the well know universities and colleges. National Aptitude Test (NAT) is for admissions in NTS associated universities / DAIs (Degree Awarding Institutes). The candidates will appear in a single test only and will stand eligible for admission to all universities in the respective subject group.

The NTS NAT schedule 2020 is now announced. The date for this announcement was on 17th September, 2019. Passing marks for the NAT test is 50%.

The subjects include NAT-IA (Arts/Humanities), NAT-ICOM (Commerce), NAT-ICS (Computer Science), NAT-IE (Pre-Engineering), NAT-IGS(General Science), NAT-IIA (Arts & Social Science), NAT-IIB (Biological Science), NAT-IIM (Management Science), NAT-IIO (Oriental and Islamic Science) , NAT-IIP (Physical Science) and NAT-IM (Pre Medical). All of these subject are included in the upcoming NAT test in the year 2020 and the students must pass this tests to enter the many universities of their choices. As before 2020 will also include 12 tests. One test in each month.

NTS Result Check

As stated above the result for both of the test is usually announced after three weeks after the examination date. Henceforth the website gives away the result online by various means. There are two ways to check the online result. By Roll No and By CNIC.

By Roll No

When the application is submitted NTS gives each applicant a unique roll no that is his/her identity when appearing for the exams. When the result is announced a student can easily visit the official website of NTS i.e. https://www.nts.org.pk/ and search the result by roll no.


Students can also check their result by using their CNIC number. This is also done by visiting the official website of NTS and in the results section a student can enter his/her CNIC number to get the result.

NTS Schedule 2020

Sr Test Status Test


1 Confirmed Sunday

Jan 20,2020

2 Confirmed Sunday

Feb 17,2020

3 Confirmed Sunday

Mar 17,2020

4 Confirmed Sunday

Apr 7,2020

5 Confirmed Sunday

May 12,2020

6 Confirmed Sunday

Jun 16,2020

7 Confirmed Sunday

Jul 21,2020

8 Confirmed Sunday

Aug 25,2020

9 Confirmed Sunday

Sept 22,2020

10 Confirmed Sunday

Oct 20,2020

11 Confirmed Sunday

Nov 17,2020

12 Confirmed Sunday

Dec 15,2020

This is so far the schedule for the examination to be held in the year 2020. Students are allowed to submit the application via online means through the official website of NTS that is https://www.nts.org.pk/ . This website is able to submit your applications online and also the results are announced on this website on the given date.